To get off to a good start and fill up on energy for the day, without filling up on calories, we rely on fruit, yogurt, and cereals. Here are 10 products to eat at breakfast to start your morning off right!

1 – A squeezed orange
A good juice of pressed oranges or citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit) brings all the vitamins necessary to be in shape throughout the morning. Choose fruit instead of fruit juice, which is sweeter.
2 – A banana
Here is a fruit rich in potassium, which has the particularity to satiate quickly, to hold until lunch without feeling hungry. It is perfect in our smoothies for a breakfast that boosts our mornings.
3 – A yogurt
An ideal breakfast is also composed of proteins. Consuming a 0% cottage cheese is therefore recommended to last until the next meal. In addition, you can add fruit, a teaspoon of honey, and some cereals.
4 – Scrambled eggs
Most people eat salty foods for breakfast, and they are right! Eggs contain vitamin B12, which is important for the proper functioning of the eyes and nerves. Also rich in vitamin D and low in calories, they should be eaten without hesitation. They can be mixed with smoked or boiled salmon, depending on your taste.
5 – Wholemeal bread
We bet on bread with butter and jam, or honey for a complete and greedy breakfast. In the morning, there’s no need to limit yourself, because the calories are eliminated during the day. However, prefer wholemeal bread to white bread or sandwich bread because it is richer in fiber and less caloric.
6 – Butter
If there’s one time of day when you can eat carbohydrates, it’s the morning. Spreading good butter on our bread, which we dip in our coffee, we could almost not do without it. Rich in vitamin A and D, butter is perfect for your health.
7 – A hot drink
When you wake up in the morning, there’s nothing like a cup of tea or coffee to rehydrate your body. Indeed, in the morning, tell yourself that you have just done a fast. Drinking water or a hot drink is therefore recommended at breakfast.
8 – Oatmeal
Mix a handful with your cottage cheese and some fruit! They are packed with omega 3, vitamin B9, fiber and potassium.
9 – Nuts or almonds
Oilseeds are good for your health. Nuts, hazelnuts or almonds should be eaten in the morning to fill up on energy!
10 – Cereals
Be careful not to fall for chocolate cereals or other types that are often too sweet. Instead, choose a handful of wholemeal cereals in the morning, which you can also accompany with a large bowl of milk.
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