Gluten It is Really Dangerous for Your Health

Gluten: It is Really Dangerous for Your Health?

Gluten has been less and less a part of eating habits for several years. Gluten-free has become a fad for millions of consumers. Between alarmist messages and the desire for weight loss, this substance is painted black for those who are considering going on a diet. In addition, many people complain of digestive problems related to its consumption. What are the health effects of gluten?

What is gluten?

It is a proteinaceous substance found in cereal grains. Its chemical composition includes glutenins and prolamins, allowing nutrients to be retained. It is used for the reproduction of cereal plants. When used in food design, gluten provides some elasticity (like pasta made with flour).
This substance is very present in the daily food. It is found in the grains of rye, wheat and barley. Although its consumption is quite widespread, more and more people now avoid consuming it because of the noted digestive problems.
The impact of gluten on certain digestive disorders

The impact of gluten
Photo credit: Pexels

The impact of gluten on certain digestive disorders

Doesn’t just have its benefits. Its consumption can lead to health problems that have been identified among consumers.

The first symptoms

The intestinal disorder is usually caused by gluten intolerance. If at first you do not feel the signs, they are manifested by various ailments. In fact, the symptoms appear gradually. Among the most famous ailments, we can cite gastric disturbances such as bloating, abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea. There is also vomiting, and nausea.

Side effects

After the warning signs, people may experience symptoms that accompany the first signs of illness. Several people reported some symptoms such as fatigue, anemia, weight loss. Still others have experienced cramps, depression, canker sores or joint pain. There are reports that gluten consumers have experienced numbness or rash.
The situations are unique to each person and each one feels a unique intensity. It may even happen that the bodies of some people do not expressly show that they are refractory to gluten.

Disorders observed in women

Gluten causes certain disturbances in women whose bodies do not accept its consumption. The most common manifestation in these cases is the disorder of the menstrual cycle which becomes irregular. When the effects are more severe, one can face the occurrence of miscarriages or even some infertility.

Disorders in children

The harmful effects of gluten are also observed in children. Intolerance to this substance causes celiac disease in them. This is manifested by gastric disorders, growth retardation, delayed puberty or a change in mood.

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