How to Differentiate Real Branded Shoes From Fakes

How to Differentiate Real Branded Shoes From Fakes?

There are still questions about being in front of the shoes that are supposed to be a line of the big brands, but sold at an unbelievably low price than its standard cost. If this is your case, find out in this article how to tell the difference between real branded shoes and fakes.

Why should we give preference to real branded shoes?

It’s hard to resist a very identical copy of the top brand men’s leather sneakers offered at € 10 instead of buying € 100 from exclusive stores. To such an article, the common reaction is to say “it may be a fake, but it is similar to the real one and no one is going to tell it …”. If harming the brand representative company isn’t your problem, it’s not just that. For your information, buying counterfeit products actually has several negative points.

Indeed, each person imagines with each purchase very strong and durable shoes; but this is to be forgotten with the duplicates.

On the health side, fake branded shoes are not manufactured to the standards that the authentic ones. The subjects are not from the same families and are not treated in the same way. They can then burn your feet or bring bad odors.

False brands are often made under cruel conditions: exploitation of children and the poor halfway around the world. You might think it’s your part to feed these poor families, but it’s pretty much the same with multinationals. So whether or not to buy them doesn’t prevent you from having awareness.

Or, if the fight against terrorism means anything to you, according to the 2016 report by the Union of Manufacturers for the International Protection of Intellectual Property, the trade in counterfeits contributes to the financing of these terrorist organizations.

How to Differentiate Real Branded Shoes From Fakes

Understand the basics of branded shoes to avoid counterfeits

With the agility of counterfeiters, it is not easy to distinguish genuine brand shoes from copies. However, knowing the basics of a manufacturer or a company on the line of these products can certainly dodge the fakes. The basic is more precisely the small details that differentiate the brand or the manufacturer. These include, for example, the quality of the finishes, the location, and orientation of the markings, the quality of the materials used, the printing on the label and its location, the packaging, or even the color, spelling, and size of the label. the brand. Note that real brands are in principle marketed in luxury packaging (tissue paper, cardboard box well personalized with ribbon, bag personalized with the name of the brand, etc.)

Buying branded shoes: choosing the right seller

Generally, the producers / distributors of the big brands have a website, a dedicated point of sale, or work in partnership with merchants. An exclusive dedicated store is therefore a guarantee to avoid counterfeiting. A private seller chasing you in the middle of the street is therefore doubtful. If you are an online shopper, favoring sellers with displaying real photos of the product in their inventories is necessary instead of those who use images downloaded from photo banks. Consulting reviews of the shoes you are interested in and the merchant can also help you make the right choice. Overwhelmingly negative reviews mean that this may be a bad article.

Know the price of branded shoes to avoid scams

We all dream of buying a good product at a low price; and forgers know that! This is, as they take advantage of our needs in us, these duplicate articles. In this case, apart from the visual memory on the small details of branded shoes, knowing the average price is essential. The cost can vary from seller to seller, but an incredibly large difference requires careful thought. It’s really tempting, but unless it’s not a clearance sale or special discount, it’s to be avoided. Note also that, knowing that products sold at low prices can doubt the public, scammers also have their own ways to dispel this doubt. As a result, some are offering fake items at the same price as the original. Imagine buying a fake for the same price as the genuine; it’s like throwing your money away for nothing! Therefore, do your research before choosing branded shoes, and always be careful!

Branded shoes sold at low prices, it exists!

We have already mentioned in the previous section “… unless it is not a clearance or a special reduction, branded shoes sold at a price lower than normal are to be avoided”. Indeed, we can therefore find real pairs of sneakers without breaking the bank thanks to good deals. For example, it is possible to take advantage of promo codes on good deals sites or to hunt for the discount store. It’s a good dilemma to find shoes from an expensive collection without taking the same amount out of your wallet.

If you know any tricks like this, Share them with us.


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