Painful Periods 8 plants to effectively soothe your painful

Painful Periods: 8 plants to effectively soothe your painful

Many women suffer each month from very intense Painful Periods. It is then important to have a good follow-up with a professional (doctor, gynecologist, or midwife). This will help rule out any suspicion of a possible health problem (endometriosis, uterine polyp, etc.). At the same time, everything can be done to relieve the pain: acupuncture, yoga, medication, birth control pills, etc. Nevertheless, we don’t often think about plants, which can nevertheless be very effective in calming painful periods. Whether they are antispasmodic or anti-inflammatory, they are essential. Here are eight natural remedies offered by phytotherapy against dysmenorrhea.

8 plants to effectively soothe your painful periods

8 plants to effectively soothe your painful periods
Photo credit: Pexels

Ginger to prevent pain

This plant works wonders against many inflammatory diseases. Regarding menstruation, it reduces the levels of prostaglandin that cause pain. In 2012, a study had shown that its intake before the beginning of the period and the first days when they start significantly reduced the pain. It can also regulate irregular periods and fight against fatigue associated with premenstrual syndrome. To do this, you can of course invite ginger in your dishes or in infusion. However, for a more concentrated consumption, you can opt for the mother tincture or the standardized extract (250 mg to 1 g, 3 times a day).

Two plants that knock out premenstrual syndrome and pain

There is a lot of talk about pain during menstruation. However, we don’t always mention the equally painful discomforts that can precede them: sore breasts, spasms… Before the period, we can rely on dried chasteberry berries. This “pepper of the monks” is available in infusion, in the form of liquid extract, or in capsules. In the latter two forms, the concentration of agnuside and casticine (the most active ingredients) is higher. If you suffer from PMS or during painful periods, black cohosh is one of the most effective plants. Also called cimicifuga, it is also useful against irregular periods (and menopause).

German chamomile

A warm compress, like a good hot water bottle, will help relax the muscles that contract at the time of menstruation. This relaxation will help to soothe the pain more effectively. If you soak a clean cloth with warm (not hot) chamomile tea to be applied on the lower abdomen, it will have an even more decongesting, soothing, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic effect. Indeed, it is one of the most useful plants in daily life and it can also be indispensable in case of painful periods. To take advantage of its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties and to alleviate painful cramps, drink at least 2 cups of infusion every day during the week preceding your period.

The alchemilla, known as “the herb for women”

This is THE plant to solve all period problems. Progesterone, it allows to reduce heavy periods as well as to calm painful periods. Indeed, progesterone is produced during the second part of the cycle. In too low rate, one can have painful breasts, feel a certain irritability, and have more abundant bleedings. As this plant stimulates this female hormone, it restores the hormonal balance. Its composition in tannins, like tea, also allows it to reduce uterine hemorrhages. In infusion, count 40 g in 1 liter of hot water to let infuse 10 minutes before filtering. Drink 3 large cups a day between meals. There are also extracts of fresh plant or the mother tincture. For the latter, count 50 drops morning and evening during the second part of the cycle (12 to 14 days before the period).

Yarrow to relieve painful periods

If yarrow is one of the best plants for painful periods, it is because of its antispasmodic properties on the smooth muscles of the uterus. Very anti-inflammatory and relaxing, it also has a sedative action on the ovaries and the uterus which will relieve and calm your pains. Its flavonoids also probably block a stage of the chain of manufacture of estrogens. This limits the hormonal “roller coaster” that causes pain. To use it, throw 30 g of flowering tops in 1 l of boiling water. Filter after 10 minutes of infusion and drink up to 3 cups per day. You can also add 1l of infusion in the bath water or make a sitz bath with it. Otherwise, it can be found in the form of a mother tincture. Dilute 50 drops in a glass of water and drink this mixture 4 to 6 times a day during the painful period.

Lemon balm to feel better in your head and in your body

If we had to describe it in just one word, we’d say it’s soothing! Since ancient Greece, it has been appreciated for all kinds of stomach aches. As far as menstruation is concerned, it relieves the spasms of the smooth muscles of the lower abdomen. Nevertheless, it also has a positive effect on the nervous system and thus against nervousness and anxiety. Antidepressant, stimulating, and anxiolytic, it is thus part of the best plants against painful periods associated with a background of anxiety. On the other hand, it is disadvised in case of hypothyroidism. Over one week maximum, you can drink it as an herbal tea (2 to 3 times a day). In decoction, it can be added in the bath water.

Mugwort to relieve painful periods

It takes its name from the goddess of nature and hunting, thanks to its many virtues that benefit women. Already in his time, Hippocrates advised it to deal with all the disorders of the female cycle. Even today, it is used in case of absence of menstruation or menstrual pain. Indeed, it is at the same time antibacterial, antifungal, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic. It is also excellent for the nerves and digestion. It is necessary however to observe some rules. First of all, its tea can only be used for a maximum of 6 days. The ideal would be to start 2 to 3 days before the period then to continue during the first days (generally the most painful). Moreover, it is forbidden to pregnant women and contraindicated in case of uterine inflammation or recent infection of the pelvis.

Glycerine macerate of young raspberry shoots or blackcurrant buds

The raspberry tree helps to regulate hormonal balance. In addition, it can relax the uterine muscle and ease contractions. You can find it in pharmacies. Take 50 to 100 drops diluted in a glass of water, as a cure for several months. You can also try blackcurrant bud mother tincture or glycerine macerate. Blackcurrant bud is anti-inflammatory. It will thus allow to relieve the pains during the periods. Count 30 to 50 drops in a glass of water, 3 times a day before meals. Be careful, this remedy has a stimulating and energizing effect which is too powerful for some people.

Other notable plants against painful periods :

  • Fennel
  • Chinese angelica
  • Turmeric
  • Dill
  • Milk thistle
  • The marigold of the gardens
  • Tarragon essential oil diluted in a vegetable oil to massage the belly on the painful area and calm the cramps.

If you know more informations about Painful Periods like these, Share them with us.


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