Star of spring and summer fruits, the strawberries are the champion of vitamin C. But it is also a good source of vitamin B9 and one of the most antioxidant fruits that can be consumed. Find out all the great reasons to eat strawberries.
Strawberries are not only delicious, they are also a real health food. From the Neolithic, the strawberry grows wild in America, Asia, and Europe. It owes its name Fragaria vesca to its fragrance, much appreciated by the Romans. In Europe, it interferes in vegetable gardens from the Middle Ages. The gardener Jean-Baptiste de La Quintinie gives it a special place in the garden of the Sun King. From the 18th century, hybrid varieties, larger, resulting from marriages with strawberries from America, appear.
It is one of the fruits richest in vitamin C (67.4 mg / 100 g) and vitamin B9 (70.5 ųg / 100 g). It contains few minerals, but has an appreciable manganese level (0.30 mg / 100 g) and a good potassium content (171 mg / 100 g). Its antioxidant content (65.34 mg / 100 g) is higher than that of most other fruits.
Season: It hits the shelves at the end of March and delights us until November.
At the table: It is eaten rather raw, and is easily mixed with fruit salads, salads, pies, desserts, or drinks.

6 good reasons to eat strawberries
1/6 – Strawberries are full of vitamin C
Strawberries are very rich in vitamin C, an essential vitamin for stimulating the immune system but also for the proper absorption of iron. They compete with citrus fruits since 200 grams of strawberries provide 116 grams of vitamin C thus covering our recommended daily needs.
2/6 – Strawberries are rich in antioxidants
Strawberries are one of the most antioxidant fruits that we can eat. However, antioxidants neutralize free radicals and they have proven beneficial effects on health. “Strawberries are good for the eyesight because they fight against cataracts and protect the retina from UV rays. It is also good for the heart (less risk of atherosclerosis, lower triglycerides in the blood, increased blood fluidity “underlines the dietitian.
3/6 – Strawberries are very low in calories
Strawberries stand out as the ultimate slimming fruit with only 35 Cal per 100 g… as long as it is eaten without sugar or whipped cream.
4/6 – Interesting on the fiber side
The fiber intakes (2 g per 100 g) are in the small average but the strawberry displays a good balance between insoluble fibers anti-constipation and soluble fibers (pectin in particular), which capture fats and lower the cholesterol level in the blood.
5/6 – Rich in vitamin B9
Strawberries are a good source of vitamin B9 (or folic acid), recommended for pregnant women because it participates in the development of the fetus in general and the neural tube in particular. So long live the cravings for strawberries during pregnancy!
6/6 – Good for the skin
Strawberry is good for the skin because it stimulates the formation of collagen which makes the epidermis more supple and younger. The only downside: some people are sensitive to its allergenic proteins which can cause hives or eczema.
If you know more informations about Strawberry like these, Share them with us.