Apples are descended from a species that has been eaten by humans since the Neolithic period on the plateaus of Central Asia. 3,000 years ago, the Chinese were already eating them. Then, it arrived at the Arabs, Greeks and Romans by the silk road. The Bible tells us that Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise after having eaten this fruit, which was cursed and often associated with love, eroticism or sexual acts.
In the Middle Ages, religious communities played an important role in the development of its culture. And it is from its name that the word “ointment” comes, because of the therapeutic virtues attributed to this fruit and its frequent presence in the composition of ointments. The third most consumed fruit in the world after citrus fruits and bananas, apples are the most cultivated fruit in temperate areas. There are thousands of varieties in the world – of which only about thirty are present on our markets – which can be classified into two types: table apples and cider apples.
Why should you eat an apple a day?

Nutritional value of apples
Per 100 g: 53 kilocalories (on average), 85 g water, 13 g carbohydrates, 2.5 g fiber, 0.3 g protein, 144 mg potassium, 7.1 mg calcium, 6 mg magnesium.
Health benefits of apples
According to an old English or American saying, depending on the source, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Its justifications are multiple. The apple reduces the appetite. Its fibrous consistency – and mainly its richness in pectin – offers resistance to chewing and shortens the time it takes to feel full. In addition, it reduces compulsive snacking and has beneficial effects on intestinal transit. Pectin has other qualities: firstly, it delays and spreads the penetration of sugars in the blood, which is useful for diabetics, and secondly, it regulates blood cholesterol levels (thanks also to the presence of antioxidants and potassium), which is good for those with cardiovascular risks.
Moreover, apples contain a lot of polyphenols which are powerful antioxidants, whose effects are potentiated by the presence of vitamins, in particular vitamin C. Numerous studies show that it protects, thanks to that, from certain cancers, in particular those of the lung and the colon, even of the liver. Polyphenols, which are also among the most anti-inflammatory nutrients, along with magnesium and omega 3, would reduce the risk of asthma in the long term.
Finally, biting into an apple is good for the gums – due to a massaging effect and the presence of polyphenols. But don’t forget to brush your teeth afterwards to remove the sugars.
Some tips
Each apple has its own health benefits. But all of them must be washed and wiped well before eating them. Because it is the skin that contains the most fiber, but also pesticides. Apples can be eaten before or at the beginning of a meal to reduce the amount of food consumed. The most energetic are the royal gala and the granny smith; the sweetest is the gloster. The nutritional profile of apples makes them suitable for sportsmen and women, as their components have a beneficial effect on the body before, during and after exercise.
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