What are gluten-free foodsRegister
Gluten can be found everywhere, in wheat-based cereal products but also in more unexpected products such as low-fat cream and chocolate. Fortunately, there are many products that are gluten-free. Discover the list of these gluten-free foods, raw and 100% natural that will allow you to keep the pleasure of preparing delicious gluten-free meals.
What is gluten?
Gluten (from the Latin glu – glue), is an elastic and viscous mixture of proteins found in several cereals, including wheat, barley, kamut, oats, spelt, oats and rye.
What foods should I be wary of?
Spontaneously, when we talk about gluten, we think of bread, flour and pasta. But gluten is present almost everywhere: in cookies, pastries, muesli, cakes, pizzas, semolina, aperitif cookies, breaded products (fish, cordon bleu, pomme dauphine, etc.), etc. But also a multitude of unsuspected industrial products: flavored tea, low-fat salad dressing, sausages, cold cuts, prepared meals, soups, sauces, bouillon cubes, powdered chocolate, cheese spreads or cubes, beer and powdered drinks, mixed drinks, etc.
Moreover, on food labels, gluten is often indicated in the list of ingredients of industrial products. However, in addition to the word “gluten”, it is also hidden behind other terms such as: flavourings, malt, starch, vegetable proteins, amylaceous substances, anti-caking agents, thickeners, vegetable protein binders, low-fat fats, glutinized capsules, glucose syrup, dextrose, maltodextrin etc.
Your choices must therefore be oriented towards raw foods (fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, dairy products, etc.) that you cook yourself, in order to control their composition.
What foods are gluten-free?

Fortunately, there are many foods that do not contain gluten.
Starchy foods
To replace wheat and its derivatives such as pasta, there are many alternatives such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, corn, rice, millet, buckwheat or legumes (pulses). The latter are perfect allies of the “no glue” diet because in addition to being gluten-free, they provide vegetable proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Pulses include lentils (blond, coral, brown and green) as well as lentils, dried beans, split and whole peas, as well as beans, lupin and soybeans.
Gluten-free flours include rice, buckwheat, chestnut, millet, corn, chickpea, soy, coconut and quinoa flour. Potato and corn starch, as well as arrowroot, are also gluten-free. These products are the perfect solution for preparing all types of gluten-free preparations: bread, pancakes, cakes, pizzas, muffins, sweet and savory pie doughs, sauces, homemade pasta, cream desserts, etc.
Fruits and vegetables
The good news is that all fruits and vegetables are gluten-free if they are bought raw, not cooked. However, prepared fruits and vegetables (e.g., pan-fried or in ready-made meals) should be avoided.
Meat, fish and eggs
Animal proteins such as fish, shellfish, meat and eggs, if eaten raw, do not contain any gluten. These foods are an integral part of the gluten-free diet. However, beware of breaded, sauced, marinated, etc. preparations. Beware of breaded, sauced, marinated, etc. products: if they are industrially prepared, there is a good chance that gluten will be present in the product.
Dairy products
Among desserts, if creams, puddings and custards are to be banned, as well as most of the industrial preparations, simple and plain dairy products such as yoghurts, cottage cheese, petits-suisses and faisselle are gluten-free.
Sweeteners do not contain sugar, as long as they are natural such as sugar, honey, agave syrup, xylitol (birch sugar), fructose and even jams. However, beware of powdered sugar and all low-sugar products.
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