Everyone agrees that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And what better way to start the day than with some fruit on the menu… like bananas for example? Ha, well actually, eating bananas for breakfast would seem to be more of a bad idea than anything else.
The banana: queen of the breakfast for years!

The banana is a fruit that has reigned supreme over breakfast for many years! And what could be more normal and logical than that? It is a fruit that provides energy and vitamins (B6, B9, C) to the body, and is therefore perfect to help us fill up with vitality and start the day well.
But its virtues do not stop there! If we love eating a banana for breakfast, it is also because this fruit is a worthy representative of happy food. Indeed, the banana contains: amino acids which have the particularity to relax the body, magnesium which drives out the stress, and potassium which helps to fight the blows of tiredness and the slackness. So by eating a banana for breakfast, you are sure to have a banana for the rest of the day: pretty nice, huh?
Without forgetting that thanks to the peel which protects its flesh and to its creamy texture (but not juicy), the banana is a very practical fruit to slip into the handbag. Ideal when you are an overbooked working girl and you don’t have much time to devote to your breakfast in the morning!
Why be wary of the banana with the breakfast?
But if it accumulates so many good points, why on earth is the traditional breakfast banana more and more decried in the world of nutrition? Its detractors point out 2 reasons.
The first is that the banana is a rather acidic fruit. Not in terms of taste, but once ingested, it causes a release of acidifying agents in the body. According to the many followers of “acid-base” diets, the human body is nowadays too unbalanced because we eat too many acidic foods and not enough basic foods. And when we eat too much acidic food, our intestinal flora and digestion are disturbed, which will result in the gain of excess weight. Not to mention possible stomach irritations if you are fragile at this level. Oops!
And even if the banana is a healthy fruit, it contains a lot of sugar: 25% of carbohydrates anyway! But the ripe banana has a rather high Glycemic Index (GI), which means that the glucose it contains spreads quite quickly in the blood. As a result, after having eaten a banana at breakfast, we will not be calmed on the long term, and we will quickly want to nibble (not cool for our silhouette). Cherry on the banana? In addition to being translated by an irrepressible desire to nibble, the peak of glycemia generated will also support the storage of greases. Enough to lose the banana, right?
How can I incorporate it into a balanced breakfast?
The golden rule is to avoid eating it alone, and to always accompany it with other foods. This will allow, on the one hand, not to put our stomach to too much strain with its acidifying properties. Moreover, by combining it with other foods, its digestion will be slower, and our blood sugar will be more stable. This will result in a more lasting feeling of satiety, so no more cravings for snacks before lunch!
So it’s okay to eat a banana in the morning, but only if it’s slipped into a yogurt, muesli, cottage cheese, fruit salad, smoothie… all tastes are allowed!
If you know more informations about banana like these, Share them with us.